Interview with POPA Channel on Parenting

I was really excited when POPA Channel decided to interview me two months ago for their【POPA i'm】feature. I'm a mother of two, and they wanted to hear what I thought was the biggest challenge of parenting.
Well, that depends!
If you asked me that question five years ago, I would have said that the first few months after my children were born were the toughest time I had as a mother. There were so many sleepless nights. It was a full-time job, what with that regular daily routine of breastfeeding, pumping and nappy-changing.
But now when I look back on it, those days were easy-peasy. My one-month-old baby girl would not complain if I didn't buy her the Victoria's Secret iPhone case. My two-month-old baby boy would not say "I hate you" if I didn't take him to the trampoline park!
My kids are now 10 and 7. I told POPA Channel that the biggest challenge as a parent that I face now is to teach my kids the proper values they should have as decent human beings. Now what you think are "proper values" may be different from family to family. In fact, this is the tricky part. Young kids get influenced by their peers so easily.
One day, my son swore in Cantonese when he was having an argument with his sister. I was completely shocked! He clearly did not know what it literally meant. I had to stay calm and explain to him it was a rude thing to say.
But I knew he was not convinced. So I said to him, "Only dumb people swear because they don't have the kind of vocabulary that they need to express their feelings." Then he was convinced. I knew he wouldn't want to be seen as a dumb boy.
When your kids get a bit older, you have to play this kind of mind game each day. And right now, that's the thing that I find the most challenging about being a mom.
Click here to read my interview with POPA Channel.